Compsci books recommended by reddit

The most-mentioned books on r/compsci.

Introduction to Algorithms
90 users
75 users
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
49 users
The Elements of Computing Systems
35 users
Concrete Mathematics
34 users
The Algorithm Design Manual
27 users
The Pragmatic Programmer
25 users
The New Turing Omnibus
21 users
18 users
C Programming Language
17 users
Algorithm Design
17 users
16 users
Gödel, Escher, Bach
16 users
Clean Code
15 users
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
14 users
The Annotated Turing
14 users
Code Complete
14 users
Cracking the Coding Interview
14 users
Computer Organization and Design
13 users
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
13 users
The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set
13 users
The Mythical Man-Month
11 users
The Soul of A New Machine
11 users
Discrete Mathematics with Applications
11 users
How to Prove It
11 users
Computers and Intractability
11 users
Computer Networking
10 users
Design Patterns
10 users
Types and Programming Languages
10 users
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation
10 users
10 users
Feynman Lectures on Computation
10 users
Computer Architecture
9 users
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
9 users
Operating System Concepts
9 users
Purely Functional Data Structures
9 users
Head First Java
9 users
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
9 users
Computer Systems
8 users
Programming Pearls
8 users
The Little Schemer
8 users
The Code Book
8 users
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
8 users
8 users
8 users
Modern Operating Systems
7 users
Sovremennye operatsionnye sistemy
7 users
Artificial Intelligence
7 users
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
7 users
The Pattern On The Stone
7 users
Head First Design Patterns
7 users
The Information
7 users
Introduction to Computing Systems
6 users
6 users
Operating Systems Design and Implementation
6 users
Speech and Language Processing
6 users
Data Structures and Algorithms
6 users
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
6 users
Don't Make Me Think
6 users
Effective Java
6 users
Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future
6 users
The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming
6 users
5 users
Physically Based Rendering
5 users
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
5 users
5 users
The Art of Computer Programming, Vols. 1-3
5 users
Computational Complexity
5 users
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
5 users
The C++ Programming Language
5 users
The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System
5 users
Programming Challenges
5 users
The Design of Everyday Things
5 users
An Introduction to Information Theory
5 users
Cambridge Primary Revise for Primary Checkpoint Mathematics Study G...
5 users
Computational Complexity
5 users
The Golden Ticket
5 users
Programming Interviews Exposed
5 users
The Cuckoo's Egg
5 users
The Innovators
5 users
Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation
5 users
A New Kind of Science
5 users
Inside the Machine
5 users
Machine Learning
4 users
Structured Computer Organization
4 users
What the Dormouse Said
4 users
4 users
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
4 users
Computer Graphics
4 users
Elements of Programming
4 users
Introduction to Graph Theory
4 users
Modern Compiler Implementation in ML
4 users
Algorithms in a Nutshell
4 users
Programming Collective Intelligence
4 users
Linux Kernel Development
4 users
4 users
Gödel's Proof
4 users
4 users
Algorithms to Live By
4 users
Introduction to Reliable and Secure Distributed Programming
4 users