Books recommended on r/worldnews

The most-mentioned books on r/worldnews.

Escape from Camp 14
65 users
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
60 users
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
60 users
Nothing to Envy
56 users
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
54 users
Manufacturing Consent
41 users
The Dictator's Handbook
41 users
Ghost Wars
38 users
Legacy of Ashes
37 users
Worthy to escape
35 users
Killing Hope
34 users
Three Felonies a Day
32 users
The Better Angels of Our Nature
28 users
Ordinary Men
27 users
Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader
27 users
All the Shah's Men
26 users
How To Avoid Huge Ships
23 users
The Aquariums of Pyongyang
21 users
Blood In The Streets
21 users
Red Notice
21 users
The Hot Zone
19 users
The Great War for Civilisation
18 users
17 users
The Holocaust Industry
17 users
On Killing
16 users
Command and Control
15 users
The Shock Doctrine
15 users
Dead Aid
14 users
How to Lie with Statistics
14 users
Mutant 59
14 users
14 users
Foundations of Geopolitics
14 users
Prisoners of Geography
14 users
The Next 100 Years
13 users
War is a Racket
13 users
Blind Man's Bluff
12 users
Guns, Germs, and Steel
12 users
12 users
12 users
House of Bush, House of Saud
12 users
The Looming Tower
12 users
Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible
12 users
The Invention of the Jewish People
12 users
The Cleanest Race
12 users
11 users
The Righteous Mind
11 users
Dark Money
11 users
Basic Economics
11 users
A Peace to End All Peace
11 users
The Missionary Position
11 users
51 Documents
11 users
The Man Without a Face
11 users
11 users
Why Nations Fail
10 users
Six Days of War
10 users
The Sword and the Shield
10 users
10 users
The Sixth Extinction
10 users
Six Degrees
10 users
The New Jim Crow
10 users
Merchants of Doubt
10 users
The Slaughter
10 users
Kicking Away the Ladder
10 users
A People's History of The United States 1492- Present
9 users
Fighting to the End
9 users
More Guns, Less Crime
9 users
The Blood Telegram
9 users
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Fami...
9 users
Thinking, Fast and Slow
9 users
The Road to Unfreedom
9 users
One Second After
9 users
Ill Wind
9 users
The Fourth Turning
9 users
The Creature From Jekyll Island
9 users
Kill Anything That Moves
9 users
9 users
Sleeping with the Devil
9 users
Son of Hamas
9 users
The Wandering Who
9 users
8 users
Treacherous Alliance
8 users
8 users
A Generation of Sociopaths
8 users
The Iron Wall
8 users
Mein Kampf
8 users
8 users
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem
8 users
King Leopold's Ghost
8 users
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers
8 users
8 users
Lies My Teacher Told Me
8 users
Dying to Win
8 users
By Way of Deception
8 users
With Liberty and Justice for Some
8 users
Winter Is Coming
8 users
Rogue State
8 users
Chasing the Scream
8 users
8 users
Capital In The Twenty-First Century
7 users
The Anarchist Cookbook
7 users